work with amy

Amy Jordan provides luxury wedding photography in Napa & Sonoma Valleys with a unique approach, combining true-to-color editing, timeless galleries, and a relaxing experience that’s full of joy.



Requesting an Unplugged Ceremony

What is an unplugged ceremony anyway??

If you’re a guest who just sat down for the ceremony and read the sign “unplugged ceremony” and had to google it, then welcome!! This post is for you! Of course, if you’re a bride or groom trying to decide if you should or shouldn’t have an unplugged ceremony, I encourage you to read this as well. I provide very helpful information and hope I can shed some light on why I’m on the unplugged ceremony trend!

unplugged wedding ceremony why you should have one amy jordan photography

Sharing on Social Media

First of all, it’s so convenient to upload photos instantly to your Instagram feed or story. I mean now a days you can even do live feeds where people don’t even have to be at the wedding! But chances are, your bride and groom invited you to the wedding for a reason and not all of your instagram followers. Betsy from your high school 10 years ago probably doesn’t care and neither does your co-worker Joe. Also consider maybe they want to see the photos first before they are posted all over social media! So first and foremost, respect your couples decision when they ask for an unplugged ceremony. They want you to be present in the moment and that’s so special.

Why you should have an unplugged ceremony amy jordan photography

Secondly, your bride and groom paid a pretty penny to have a professional photographer photograph their special moments. Don’t let their high quality images get ruined because you pulled out your iPhone 11 (even if it does have a decent camera) to jump in front of the photographer to capture their first kiss. I’m going to guess your bride and groom won’t be too thrilled to see that picture came back in their gallery and even all the editing in the world can’t fix that boo-boo. Plus you make the photographer look like the bad guy! I know what you’re thinking, “but I’m just leaning into the aisle a little bit and snapping one photo!” But look at these photos and how many people thought the same thing!! It’s so distracting and wouldn’t you love to just enjoy the moment in real life instead of behind your phone screen? Let the professional’s handle these memorable moments. We promise to deliver these beautiful images safe & sound.

Amy Jordan Photography What is an unplugged ceremony Amy Jordan Photography What is an unplugged ceremony Amy Jordan Photography What is an unplugged ceremony

The Rest of The Wedding

“But, does this mean we can’t have our phones after the ceremony too??” Well, probably not! Depends on your couples requests but most couples are just asking for an unplugged ceremony and not and unplugged wedding or reception. I think it’s awesome to take selfies during cocktail hour, getting your own dancing photos or videos. The setting is so much more casual during that time and as long as your not jumping in front of the photographer that they hired then I personally don’t see it as a problem! But again, you’ll have to respect what your bride and groom have chosen for their day.

Read 6 tips for your engagement session!